Replacer is a class that replaces placeholders in a string with values from a DNSRequest or DNSResponse. The replacerMap is a map of keys to functions that take a DNSRequest or DNSResponse and return a string.

The default log format replaces the following keys:

  • remote: The remote address of the connection
  • port: The remote port of the connection
  • operation: The operation being performed (query or response)
  • id: The ID of the packet
  • type: The rrtype of the question
  • class: The rrclass of the question
  • name: The name of the question
  • proto: The protocol being used (UDP, TCP, DoH, etc.)
  • rcode: The response code of the packet
  • rflags: The flags of the packet, comma-separated
  • duration: The duration of the request in seconds (only available for responses)

You may customize this format by providing a different format string to the constructor. If you use keys not in the replacerMap, you will need to provide a custom replacer function for that key or it will not be replaced.

You may also provide any custom class that satisifes the replacer interface's replace method.







format: string
replacerMap: {
    [key: string]: ((req: DNSRequest | DNSResponse) => string | undefined);
} = ...
