Class PacketWrapper

The packet wrapper class is intended to solve a couple of problems with the provided Packet type from dns-packet`.

The first is that there's currently no way to provide a read-only view of the packet, which is essential for ensuring that the packet is not modified after it has been sent.

The second is that many of the properties of the packet are optional, which leads to some awkward type assertions when using the raw packet. For example, any time you want to access the answers property, you have to assert that it's not undefined or null, despite the fact that we can set it to an empty array if it's not provided. Likewise, questions in practice should never be undefined, though it could of course be an empty array.

This class is not generic because it heavily relies on the structure of the Packet type from dns-packet. If the Packet type changes, this class will need to be updated.



frozen: boolean = false

A flag to indicate whether the packet has been sent and is therefore frozen

raw: Packet

The raw DNS packet


  • get rcode():
        | "NO_ERROR"
        | "FORMAT_ERROR"
        | "SERVER_FAILURE"
        | "NX_DOMAIN"
        | "REFUSED"
        | "YX_DOMAIN"
        | "YX_RR_SET"
        | "NOT_AUTH"
        | "NOT_ZONE"
  • Returns
        | "NO_ERROR"
        | "FORMAT_ERROR"
        | "SERVER_FAILURE"
        | "NX_DOMAIN"
        | "REFUSED"
        | "YX_DOMAIN"
        | "YX_RR_SET"
        | "NOT_AUTH"
        | "NOT_ZONE"

  • set rcode(rcode): void
  • Parameters

    • rcode: RCode

    Returns void

  • get type(): undefined | "query" | "response"
  • Returns undefined | "query" | "response"

  • set type(type): void
  • Parameters

    • type: undefined | "query" | "response"

    Returns void


  • Freeze the packet wrapper immutably, making it read-only. This is used to prevent modifications to the packet after it has been sent. Note that this method does not modify the current packet wrapper, but instead returns a new frozen packet wrapper.

    Returns PacketWrapper

    The frozen packet wrapper